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Linux filesystem nesting and syscall hooking

Using 2.6.32 linux kernel, I need to use a specific filesystem on a block device partition and I wan’t to hook open/write/read/close (and few others) syscalls to read/write, in an other fashion that the specific filesystem, what should be written on this partition. It would be only for this partition, others partitions using this filesystem would act as usual. Fuse

Grouping and deleting Files

I have to come up with a solution to delete all files but the newest 2 in a directory stucture of our owncloud. The be exact – its the file versioning folder. There are files in one folder with the following structure: Filename.Ext.v[random_Number] The hard part is that there are different files in one folder I need to keep. IE:

No module named objects [bokeh]

Note from maintainers: This question is no longer relevant. The bokeh.objects module has not existed for years I’m trying to run this script: from: but at this line: I got: The version I’m using is 0.11.1 On linux mint 17.1 Answer Note from maintainers: This answer is no longer relevant. The bokeh.objects module has not existed for years did

AWK script automatically removing leading 0s from String

I have a file BLACK.FUL.eg2: I’ve written this AWK script: which gives me an output of: with one problem: the leading 0s of strings in field1, are automatically getting removed due to a numeric operation on them. So my actual expected output is: For that I’m trying the below updated AWK script: But getting an error: Can you please highlight

How can I control the number of running processes?

I’m doing a shell script and the unknown situation occurred. I must execute a certain number of processes, lets suppose 12. But I want to limit the executions by ‘t’ each time. So if ‘t’ is 3 I would have to execute 3 processes then 3, 3 and finally 3. But I would like to do it automatically, so I

How to open new bash terminal using Python

I am trying to open a new terminal window in Tkinter application. I’ve used os.system(“/bin/bash”) but it works in current bash only. Which stops runnning code and causes application freeze. I want to open new Terminal. How to do that? gedit like programs work fine without disturbing current apllication. Answer Try this:

How do I open a specific port on RHEL 6.4?

I’m setting up the remote connection to oracle database and it requires that the connection should be established through port 1521 by default. However, i’m getting the error repeatly: [Oracle JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: :1521. Reason: Connection refused Checking deeper, I realize that the port 1521 cannot be connected on the local machine: telnet localhost 1521
