I have an SQL file containing two tables with around 600,000 rows altogether. Yesterday, I tried to import the file into my MySQL database on Fedora 16, and it took over 2 hours to import the file. On my Windows PC it took 7 minutes. My Linux and Windows machines have exactly the same hardware. A couple of my friends
Reliable writes in linux
My requirement is to write a never ending stream of incoming variable sized binary messages to the file system. Messages of average size 2KB arrive at 1000 messages/sec. So in an hour, total number of messages would be 3600*1000*2 = 6.8 GB. The main purpose of the messages is following 1. Archive them for auditing purposes 2. Provide a search
Ribbon interface for GTK and Qt
Is it possible to implement ribbon interface in Windows7 in GTK or Qt? If yes how to do it? Answer Yes, some libraries for Ribbon widgets have already been released. see this post and this one. There is also QtitanRibbon, an implementation of Microsoft’s Ribbon UI for QT.
linux command line: du — how to make it show only total for each directories
I am doing it by (with coreutils_8.5-1ubuntu6_amd64): I am looking for a simple way (shorter cmd) to find size of subdirectories. Thank you. Answer This works with coreutils 5.97: du -cksh *
Bash – for i in cat?
I’m not a bash scriptor, so this is no doubt a very simple question. I have a bash script throwing an error. It looks like this: The error is on the second line, related to the curly brackets. So it seems curly brackets shouldn’t be here… in which case, what should line 2 look like? The script is supposed to
Is there some kind of equivalent to .NET’s BackgroundWorker in Vala?
I’m trying to learn Vala so I’m making a small GUI application. My main language before has been C# so things are going pretty well. However, I’ve hit the wall now. I need to connect to an external network server (using GIO) which doesn’t answer my client immediately. This makes the GUI freeze up while the program is connecting and
How to access share folder in virtualbox. Host Win7, Guest Fedora 16?
I’m a newbie in linux. I installed Fedora 16 OS as guest in virtualbox on Window 7. Now, I want to access share folder from Fedora. Here is something I did: Install guest addtion [OK] Make share folder link to virtualbox [OK]. Share folder path in Window 7: D:share_folder_vm In terminal program in fedora, I just run some commands: I
BASH – weird characters coming out from a pipe
I have this script which simply kills an app If I write the kill command manually as a oneliner than it works. But I have to run it as a script which doesn’t work. So I tried to debug it and here is the result Why do I keep getting those strange characters on the kill line? How can i
Assignment of variables in shell scripting
I am trying to write a shell script to simulate the following problem: File A contains some entries like and File B contains the final file should have (contents of file b which are not there in file a) I was trying something like this but it’s not working: Answer You code has some errors: forgot the closure of if
logrotate configuration file development and testing
I have two questions related to developing configuration files for the logrotate tool on Linux systems. When I make a change to a file in /etc/logrotate.d, do I need to somehow notify logrotate so that it will recognize and respond to the change? It seems to notice changes on its own, eventually, but when testing log rotation specifications it would