Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question From my searches online, I’ve found dozens of web-based MongoDB GUIs,
How can I find the alpha shape (concave hull) of a 2d point cloud?
I am looking for an implementation that calculates alpha shapes in two dimensions. I am running ubuntu. I would prefer a command line utility for this task, but will also be fine with a python library. In Google I have found many implementations that calculate alpha shapes. But none of them output what I want. As input I have a
How long does an UBIFS take to sync a file to flash
Does anyone know how long a UBIFS takes to flush/sync a file to flash? The write happens through a normal fwrite operation and I would like to know how long before that write is committed to flash when no other writes to file occur. If not, any way of finding out? Thanks. Answer An interesting read: UBIFS write-back knobs in
One Line FTP Server
A lot of times I used the command, which opens a temporary HTTP server on current directory: Now I need to receive files, is there any one-line command that opens a ftp server? I am simply looking for a command line ftp server, no configurations files, no daemons. I tried Twisted as in One line ftp server in python ,
How to efficiently monitor a directory for changes on linux?
I am working with Magento, and there is a function that merges CSS and Javascript into one big file. Regardless the pros and cons of that, there is the following problem: The final file gets cached at multiple levels that include but are not limited to: Amazon CloudFront Proxy servers Clients browser cache Magento uses an MD5 sum of the
Which signal does ctrl-x send when used in a terminal?
On Linux/Unix there are signals. The CtrlC one (SIGINT) is obvious to me. Now, in some other applications there are signals via CtrlX?! Is that even a signal or does it generate an escape sequence? Is there anything else I can use as something similar to CtrlC ( CtrlV, CtrlX …)? If anyone has a clue, im familiar with C
regular expression to exclude filetypes from find
When using find command in linux, one can add a -regex flag that uses emacs regualr expressions to match. I want find to look for all files except .jar files and .ear files. what would be the regular expression in this case? Thanks Answer You don’t need a regex here. You can use find with the -name and -not options:
How do I add a line of text to the middle of a file using bash?
I’m trying to add a line of text to the middle of a text file in a bash script. Specifically I’m trying add a nameserver to my /etc/resolv.conf file. As it stands, resolv.conf looks like this: My goal is to add nameserver above all other nameserver lines, but below any text above that. In the end I want to
How can I make this JButton visible? When I have progressive scan background JWindow()?
How can I make the JButton visible? 1) When no progressive background is turned on: JButton is showing 2) When no progressive background is turned on, JButton is pressed still showing no flicker: 3) When progressive background is turned on, JButton is invisible and on pressing in this I see flicker and JButton() appears and again hides auto. << Problem
Can i host multiple sites with one django installation
I have my own VPS server with Centos and cpanel/WHM Currently i am building one website in Django with djnago builin server. When site finishes then i will move to WSGI and apache I want to know that Can I host multiple sites with same django installation Also what bout apps which i have installed with pip like SOUTH, SENTRY,