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Tag: docker

Return the ls -l output in docker container

So I have a docker container running which has a couple of folder/files inside. When I go inside the container I can see that they are: hostmachine$> docker exec -it testContainer bash testContainer@testContainer:~$ ls -l My question is: What script, how can I use it on my hostmachine that will: 1) Echo back (return) the following info from the container:

Getting 32 bit Centos docker image

I was trying to run 32 bit Centos in container: Inside container I run command uname-a in order to know it is 32 bit. Got output: According to my understanding it is 64 bit version and not expected 32 bit one? What I do wrong while getting 32 bit Centos? Answer Containers share kernel with the host system. Thats why

How to connect to docker container from localhost

I created a docker container which is running 2 java processes – one of the processes is listening on port 4444 and should have access from browser hitting the following URL: http://{host}:4444/grid/console How do I hit this URL from my browser on the host – connect to the container on port 4444? This is the response from docker inspect: Answer

docker-compose exec command works into container but not from my host machine

I need to run a command into a chromedriver container passing an ip from a php-fpm container. The php-fpm container hostname is ‘php-fpm’. Both containers are in the same network. So this guys can see each other. If I access the chromedriver container and run this command, it works properly: chromedriver –url-base=/wd/hub –whitelisted-ips=$(getent hosts php-fpm | cut -d’ ‘ -f1)

Using `groupadd` in Docker container

I’m using Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr, and a quick peek at /etc/group reveals When I tried to add staff, I got an error message as I would expect (being that staff is already defined with gid 50). The unexpected part is when I tried to add a user with the staff group. What am I doing wrong here? It don’t

Can not start docker engine in Oracle Linux

I followed the instructions in this blog “” to install docker engine in my Oracle Linux 7 server. This is my log for yum install docker-engine : it seems to have installed correctly but the next step i,e. to start the docker gives me this error : —># systemctl start docker –>#systemctl status docker.service –>#journalctl -xe -l -u docker |

localhost refuses access on port during Docker tutorial

I’m currently getting started with Docker on a Linux VM provided by my university. To get started with docker I’m doing their tutorial ( After creating the files the tutorial says to use the command: docker run -p 4000:80 <name of container> This should host the container on http://localhost:4000 because port 80 is mapped to 4000. But unfortunately when I
