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Tag: git

Difference between sudo git pull and sudo git pull

I’m trying to pull code off a remote bitbucket repository to my master branch on Linux server. Don’t understand the difference between the following 2 approaches to pulling code (connecting to bitbucket via SSH): Both approaches seem to update the local master branch (on Linux server) with code from the remote master branch. So what’s the difference between the two

How to get source code from git repo using DockerFile

I have Git and Docker on a remote Linux machine. The source code of my project is in a bare repo. I need a way of making the source code from this repo available to Docker during the build process. Below is what I have now (which is basically the default template in VS 2017 for a Docker ASP.NET Core

How can I determine the URL my git repo is located?

I am to work on a project and I have initialized a git repo on a server. Let’s suppose the URL of the server is and the repo is at /var/www/vhosts/ I have created a git repo by running and then I created a .gitignore file, added whatever needed to be added, committed and from my local computer, which

Git clone with authentication over HTTP protocol

I have a centos 7 server with a git repo shared over smart http, when I make “git push” the authentication works but when I make “git clone” not works. I want than Git and Apache ask me user and password to clone the repos. /var/www/git -> Is my repo dir /var/www/html -> Is the web sites dir My site.conf

Symbolic Link Edits and differences to hard link [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

How can I push only the files in current index?

I have many large binary files with source code under git version control. I want to only push the source files to github for repo initialization. So I used git rm -r –cached to remove the large binary files from the index. After checking git ls-tree -r –names-only mybranch, I confirmed there are only text source files in the index.

Pipe in ZSH is stripping colors from Git log output

I’m trying to utilize GRB’s git helpers ( for pretty printing my git log. The git log –graph –pretty=”tformat:${LOG_FORMAT}” command from line #62 works just fine; printing with colors in iTerm. But as soon as it’s piped to pretty_git_format there are no colors displayed. This has been working for several years until just a few weeks ago. Was there a

How to use git namespace to hide branches

Background I’m working with a large team using git for version control. The normal flow is: People selecting a ticket from the “backlog queue”. Working on the issue via a local branch (i.e. git checkout -b my_feature_branch). Making several commits as they go (i.e. git commit). Pushing local changes to a remote branch in order to “backup” their work so
