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Tag: glfw

ld fails to find glfw3

I’m trying to build the OpenGL Super Bible 7th edition code samples on Ubuntu 16.04. First I have to run cmake, which seems to work, and then I have to run make to compile. I believe I have installed glfw3 and the Mesa OpenGL packages. When I execute cmake (after installing libglfw3 and libglfw3-dev), I get messages that OpenGL and

CMake linking glfw3 lib error

i’m working with CLion, and I’m writing a program using the glfw3 lib.( I installed and did everything correctly for the lib i have the .a and .h files in: I’m trying to use the library now, but i’m getting the linker error: undefined reference to ‘glViewport’ etc. etc. all the functions i’m using I added the lib path to
