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Tag: java

Cordova can’t find $ANDROID_HOME

I found a lot of solutions but they didn’t help me. I defined variables in /home/username/.zshrc And variables were defined because: Also command below works fine: I try to build a project Answer In tried many files with env variable for my linux In manjaro linux it needs to write env variables only in file: /etc/environment So cordova works well

How do I install a SQL Server Java driver into a linux docker container?

The docker image definition below does not contain according to the documentation a SQL Server driver. How can I install it? Documentation: Docker File Answer I was able to make it work after several days. Steps Download JDBC Driver from Microsoft Site, Version 7.2, it will include 2 JAR FILES Uncompress, and copy the file into your docker folder

Why can’t DataNode download file?

It’s very strange.I have seen NameNode and DataNode that they have already started in jps command.I can go into the NameNode WebSite(50070) and use “hdfs dfs -get” to get file.But I can’t download file from the NameNode WebSite. Answer The problem is because the /etc/hosts file.I configured the relation of the hostname and IP. IP is So hadoop use

Can’t Install Jenkins even though I have JAVA 8

Ubuntut 14.04 LTS According to this I need JAVA 8 and so I downloaded both the JDK and JRE. Unfortunately when attempting to install jenkins again I still get the error message Checking my $PATH and it shows the following The java that should be used is 8. Even running Gives me what I expect Why do I get the

Linux java, max disk space size of file

I want to ask, if: -Xms1000M -Xmx1000M Are commands for Java (Linux) for maximum file usage of RAM, is there opinion to do same with Disc space? Example to set max file size at running it, same as for RAM, just for HDD/SSD space. Thanks to all in advance. Answer First of all, the -Xms1000M and -Xmx1000M do not set

Cannot execute command as another user with sudo

I have this code, that is running on tomcat: And my file: From command line, the script is executed excellent and I see results. But when executing it from tomcat I get this message: I cannot solve this problem. I need your help. P.S: Sorry me for bad english. Thanks! Answer I guess that the problem occurs because the
