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Tag: maven

UnsatisfiedLinkError on System.loadLibrary() after adding the directory to java.library.path

I would like to load the local library /opt/gurobi902/linux64/lib/ within my Java IntelliJ Maven project on Ubuntu 19.10. My first attempt was adding the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH like this: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=”/opt/gurobi902/linux64/lib” (I know I have completly overwritten it instead of appending to it, because it was not set at all previously.) I thought it worked, because when I run the

yum in dockerfile – There are no enabled repos

I am having issues with installing python3 with yum in dockerfile. I did look on internet, I did try few things, not working. Its just small thing but not able to figure it out. When I try to build below docker file I do get error . I get error at line – RUN yum install -y oracle-epel-release-el7 The docker

Maven: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErrorexception, but jars are downloaded in .m2

I have a tomcat project: tomcat/webapps/Project. That project makes use of org.json library, the dependency is written in pom.xml file: I have installed maven on my server and run this command, while in the Project directory: mvn install Then I checked /root/.m2/repository/org/json/20180813 folder and the file json-20180813.jar is there! However when I restart my server: and try to make

Maven release plugin – Non-parseable settings error

I have a big maven project I want to release using the mvn release plugin. I can run the mvn release:prepare locally (on an OS X computer), however when I try the same on my GNU/Linux build agent (Which is a Centos 7.4), I get the following problem: I have tried to find any reference similar to <” in the

Shell script file with multiple commands

I want to make shell script file in windows and linux with multiple commands inside it. E.g and run.bat with the below commands run.bat or When I run my run.bat file it only executes first command mvn clean but it do not execute other commands. How to make shell-script file with multiple commands so that when I execute

maven-compiler-plugin broken on linux?

I have a maven project. In the pom.xml file the following is stated: AFAIK this is correct, it should build against JDK 7. I run a Debian based Linux dist and when I do mvn clean install it seems to always build against the javac version I have set in my os. I’ve tried reading up on what the plugin
