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Tag: mono

Using mono assemblies from the .NET CoreCLR

I need to consume a library that doesn’t yet have CoreCLR support (RabbitMQ.Client, to be specific). Is it possible to utilize a mono-based port of that library on a Linux system from inside a CoreCLR executable? If so, how is that achieved? Answer It is impossible at binary level (unless using a proper PCL profile). .NET Core has a different

Installing (and deploying) Mono ASP.Net to Redhat

I have an Asp.Net app (built in mono) that I am trying to deploy to a Linux Redhat 6 environment. I tried following the instructions on the mono website: I was able to get nginx installed and setup; however it appears I don’t have fastcgi-mono-server4 installed. I’ve been googling all over the place trying to find how to

Nancy on Linux is using 100% CPU

My nancy web-apps are using up together 100% CPU without them actually being used. They are running inside a docker container on mono. The only thing I could think about to cause this, would be the endless loop in my main function, something like but I thought, Console.ReadLine() would be blocking and therefore this loop would only execute, whenever there

android studio : linux, windows, and poor performances [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I am starting an Android application. I am very comfortable with .NET/Mono/Visual-Studio, and all my development environment runs under Windows. I

Pass array to C# from C++ via mono

I need to pass an array from C++ to C# using mono. But I can’t get mono_array_set() to compile. So how can I pass an array from C++ to C#? I’ve tried mono_runtime_invoke() which compiles but gives a runtime error. Answer This works:

log4net cross platform XML config

I have a requirement to store my log files in a Logs sub folder. Normally you would do this my modifying the FileAppender in you App.config as follows: However this is not cross platform because if you run this on linux it will create a file called ‘LogsMyLog.log’ rather then a directory. This is because ” is not a path

Workaround for bug in mono: Wrong Process.ProcessName

If you work with mono and use Process.ProcessName you may get wrong results on some computers. For example instead of the process name “kwrite” you may get “kdeinit4” (seen on SUSE). On Ubuntu I have even seen complete bullshit like “kdeinit4;5535948c (deleted)” instead of “kwrite”. Note: On other computers the result may be correct. If I use Process.MainModule.ModuleName it retruns
