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Tag: pyinstaller

docker compose: Error while loading shared libraries: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation not permitted

After installing docker and docker-compose on: When executing: It returns: Error while loading shared libraries: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation not permitted It should return: Installation from docker-compose is this Answer Got it solved by re-mounting the /tmp to give the volume permission to execute (it was accessible with read-only). So this solved:

pyinstaller ImportError error – how to solve it?

I have installed pyinstaller in my Linux in order to create an executable to my Python script, which runs normaly with the command: However when I execute bellow command: I get the following error: What is wrong? I tried to install dis3: But I still get the same error. I uninstalled it … Installed again as recommended. I have set

how to make the progame start only one process?

I have a python project using python stand lib socketserver to listening on a tcp socket for data receiving. I create a one-single executable file using pyinstaller, now I run the binary program on linux, there are two process. After exit the current session and re-login, there are still two process. How can I do make the program only one

How to compile python with PyInstaller in Linux

I am using Python 3.5.2 , PyQt 5.7 , PyInstaller 3.2 and I’m in Linux I can compile with : pyinstaller but when I run the binary file in Build folder it returns: Error loading Python lib ‘/home/arash/build/file/’: /home/arash/build/file/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Where is the python library (.so file) to copy
