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Tag: qt5


I want to compile this which requires Qt 5.14 and I have Qt 5.12 installed from my linux repository.I just compiled Qt from source and installed it in /usr/local/Qt-6.0.0/(default location). But CMake prints the following error although I’ve added set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH “/usr/local/Qt-6.0.0/include”) and/or set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH “/usr/local/Qt-6.0.0/”) : Answer Since it has solved your question, I am just going to put it as

CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH doesn’t help CMake in finding Qt5

From here: I tried this: Here is the output of cmake . This is to show that /opt/Qt5.9.1/ does exist. Here I run the cmake with -DCMAKE option, but the output is still same: Contents of the directory: Answer I installed the following missing packages: Attaching any kind of prefix is not required now: CMakeList: New output: Errors are

Yocto/Qt5.6: Unable to build a sample Qt Application

I have a working Nitrogen6x board that runs on Yocto Krogoth-next build with core-image-sato. I have installed Qt Creator 3.5.1 (based on Qt 5.5.1) and I have added my kit for nitrogen6x board as per [Build & Install Qt5 toolchain] document. I have added a sample Qt Quick Application with component set chosen as Qt Quick 2.1 and tried to

Qt5 Change Softlink of Currently Running Executable

I created 2 simple Qt5.5 test apps on Linux, “red” and “green”. I setup an initial soft link in the current directory that looks like this: I want to be able to launch the gui app at any time and have it switch the softlink to the other ‘color’ app. So when I run gui and it points to red,

How to deploy Qt5 application on Linux in compliance with LGPL? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question Recently, I have successfully migrated my Qt4 application to Qt5. In fact, the application builds and runs on a development machine

qt5: why 2 processes and memory usage?

I uses 64 linux with fresh install of qt 5.1.0. I take example application qtbase/examples/widgets/widgets/lineedits and run, let’s call it qt5_lineedit, also I take the similar app from qt4 sources build it with qt4 library and run. And in htop I see that, there are two qt5_lineedit (I run only one, so it used 2 threads) and memory usage: VIRT
