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Tag: raspberry-pi

How do I run a simple Go server as a daemon in Debian?

I recently wrote a simple server in Go: It works perfectly well if compiled and then executed by ./go_http_server &. The problem is that it doesn’t survive reboots. So after some reading, I attempted to daemonize it by placing a script in /etc/init.d: …then running update-rc.d go_http_server defaults, and poof! It runs on boot, as verified by ps -ef |

ACID Transactions at the File System

Background: I am getting a temperature float from an arduino via a serial connection. I need to be able to cache this temperature data every 30 seconds for other applications (e.g. web, thermostat controller) to access and not overload the serial connection. Currently I cache this data to RAM as a file in /run (I’m trying to follow Linux convention).

RPi2, OpenMAX, Deadlock

Environment Raspberry Pi 2 B+ Debian Linux OpenMAX IL Use-case OpenMAX Camera Video capture Camera ports are disabled Renderer / Camera Tunnel is set All components state is set to Idle Ports are enabled Problem description The first port being enabled to the Camera Input port ( Port #73 ), the port is being enabled using the “OMX_CommandPortEnable” command, as

How do I restart wlan0 with the static ip instead of a dynamic ip? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

Raspberry PI remote debug GTK error

I’m using NetBeans IDE 8.0.2 on my Win7 machine to develop Raspberry Pi opencv C++ application. I’m building & debugging the application remotely on the Raspberry Pi from my Win7 machine. At run time the application fails with “Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:” error when reaches the line: When I’m running the exact same application from the Raspberry Pi and
