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Tag: tensorflow

Segmentation fault (core dumped) – TFLite

Describe the problem To read a model from official TensorFlow source (COCO SSD MobileNet v1) and perform inference with, we get the error below. System information Host OS Platform and Distribution : Linux Ubuntu 16.04 TensorFlow installed from (source or binary): From source (branch r1.12) Target platform: iMX.6 (Arm v7) Please provide the exact sequence of commands/steps when you

tflite_runtime get Illegal instruction on raspberry pi

after installing tflite_runtime on raspberry pi using the following commands and trying to import tflite .. I got “Illegal instruction” Error screenshot Answer The prebuilt tflite_runtime package set from the above site does not cover armv6 architecture yet. Alternatively, you can choose some other options. (1) Install the TensorFlow pip package. TensorFlow Lite features are a part of TensorFlow package

Install Tensorflow 2.2 on linux

I have GNU/Linux box, I am trying to install Tensorflow 2.2. Currently I have and when I try to run my code it says So when I try to install Tensorflow 2.2 I get the above error. Any idea how to fix this issue? Update: -Raj Answer TensorFlow 2 packages require a pip version >19.0.

Run tensorflow on linux by python3 pip

I have installed python and tensorflow on my linux, This is my all step that I done: This version of tensorflow and keras is installed: And: I create a simple code on vscode : But when I run it by vscode I got : What is my mistake? Answer This problem may refer to the instruction set that the binary

Error building Tensorflow on CentOS 7

I am trying to compile Tensorflow (r1.3) on CentOS 7. My environment: gcc (g++) 7.20, bazel 0.5.3, python3 (with all necessary dependencies listed on tensorflow web site), swig 3.0.12, openjdk 8. Everything is installed in the users scope, without root access. Whenever I am trying to build a python package invoking following command “bazel build –config=opt //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package” I am getting
