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Tag: ubuntu

conditional check within makefile

I am updating makefile of the project where I need to perform different steps based on the customer or manufacturing build, I have written simple makefile as follows and with that I am seeing unexpected output, could someone help figure out issue with makefile. I am getting following output of the makefile This is unexpected output, as build type is

psql – Mac trying to connect postgreSQL in Ubuntu system installed in a virtual machine in remote server

Apologize in front, maybe the situation here is a bit complicated. I searched everywhere online but couldn’t find a perfect solution, plus I have tried almost all the solutions mentioned in other posts. Situation: So I have a postgreSQL database installed in a Ubuntu system. The system is actually a virtual machine on the VMware workstation 12, which is installed

ld fails to find glfw3

I’m trying to build the OpenGL Super Bible 7th edition code samples on Ubuntu 16.04. First I have to run cmake, which seems to work, and then I have to run make to compile. I believe I have installed glfw3 and the Mesa OpenGL packages. When I execute cmake (after installing libglfw3 and libglfw3-dev), I get messages that OpenGL and

Where is mono’s log file?

I’m having an issue with a program crashing on mono, I have an idea why but I can not confirm it as I can not find the log location for mono on ubuntu. I’m developing on windows however I’m deploying to a ubuntu server. So my question is, where is the standard log location for mono on ubuntu? Answer I

Bug while checking for symbols inside of a string?

I’m creating a small calculator script and I’ve got stumbled on a strange bug. Everything seems to work but not when I input anything starting with (. When I do that if gives false and the code inside of else executes. I’ve tried a lot of ways rewriting how should “$input” =~ [-,+,*,/,(,)] look like but nothing worked. Do you

Looping a bash script

this is my first time dabbling in bash scripting and first time using this site. I’m working on script that’s meant to provide the user with a list of software packages to install and then output their choices into a 2nd script file that can be run later to actually install their choices. So far my script is semi working,
