I’m preparing to switch to Linux. I want to learn more about what Linux users do to solve problems that OSX users solve with Applescript. More specifically: What are they called? How are they different? Answer I am assuming you’re using applescript for basic system automation. There are a wide variety of languages available, but none as closely/uniformly integrated with
Tag: ubuntu
Installing Passenger when Nginx is already installed; Possible?
Rather a simple question I believe, is it possible to install passenger when nginx is already installed on your webserver? If the answer is Yes, I already performed these actions: At this very moment I already have nginx installed (for my PHP applications) and next I did a checkout of the passenger’s git repository: and then add this snippet to
Gearman , php extension problem : Class ‘GearmanWorker’ not found in .. using terminal but works on browser
I’ve installed gearman on ubuntu 10.04 recently and installed it’s pecl extension. Now , when I run a php file in the browser that contains : I get object(GearmanWorker)#1 (0) { } but when running the a real worker file in terminal (by root) , I get this: The worker code : Please help! Answer Type php –ini at your
Compiling C Program on OS X to Run on Linux
I have a pretty simple C program that does some cryptographic calculations using only standard library functions. I will be running the program on Ubuntu (10.04, 32 bit) and compiled it on OS X 10.6 using cc with the -m32 flag. When I tried to run it on Ubuntu I got the error message “cannot execute binary file.” When I
CPAN giving all sorts of errors on ubuntu
I am just trying to run a simple perl program to import data from xml and export it to database. Use Mysql; did not work, so I used DBD::mysql instead after failing to get Mysql.pm from cpan. However, I am unable to install anything. I am trying to install xml parser module, but cpan gives these errors no matter what
Is there a MongoDB GUI desktop application for Linux? [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question From my searches online, I’ve found dozens of web-based MongoDB GUIs,
How can I find the alpha shape (concave hull) of a 2d point cloud?
I am looking for an implementation that calculates alpha shapes in two dimensions. I am running ubuntu. I would prefer a command line utility for this task, but will also be fine with a python library. In Google I have found many implementations that calculate alpha shapes. But none of them output what I want. As input I have a
ssh-keygen – how to set an rsa key with a certain username
I just installed ubuntu and would like to set its rsa keys up with bitbucket/github. When I ssh-keygen the keys are generated as they should be which is perfectly usable except the username part. In every rsa key I’ve generated previously, the username section read my email address: No, it’s not a major impediment but if I don’t get this
How to connect from USB port to RJ45 console device?
In my Linux laptop, the USB port is connected to an external router with console port (RJ45, Juniper SRX210). This is the cable i am using: I used cuteCom And i used minicom To connect using 9600 but it does not recognize /dev/ttyS0. Also tested with USBViewer (http://www.kroah.com/linux-usb/) which gives error “can not open the file /proc/bus/usb/devices” How can i
How to select the output device of audio in ubuntu manually?
In Ubuntu, we can select the output device of audio in sound preferences. But now I want to write a shell script, so I need to select the output device from the commandline. Answer You can first view your current default audio device by typing: And with you can view all your devices. And with this command you can set