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Tag: google-chrome

I enable WebGPU in Chrome DEV, and it still doesn’t work

So, I have enabled the #enable-unsafe-webgpu flag and I even get a warning when opening Chrome, that “WebGPU is enabled and stability will suffer”. Yet, when trying to access any WebGPU example website, I get an error, stating that my browser doesn’t support WebGPU / WebGPU is not enabled. What can I do? I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and Chrome

How to add Chromedriver to PATH in linux?

Trying to use Selenium with Chrome in a python script. I get the following error: I know the location of the chromedriver executable. How do I add it to the PATH? thank you Answer You can specify the absolute path to your chrome driver in your script as such: Or you can add the path to your webdriver in the

Get latest release version number for chrome browser

I am trying to figure out a rather stable way to programmatically determine the latest release version number of the chrome browser. It doesn’t have to be failproof as it’s only a nice-to-have-feature I can blend out whenever the result looks “suspicious”. There seems to be no API (is there?). I dont want to rely on third parties handling that

Close google chrome open in app mode via command line

In my python script I am opening chrome in app mode by this command: google-chrome –app= Now I want to be able to close only this running chrome application (I mean if there is another chrome windows with diffrent tabs I don’t want to close that, only this that i run). Is this possible and how? I am using linux.

Chrome Certificate Selection appears multiple times

I got a ssl enabled site in an intranet server. It has an official server certificate issued by a valid CA. Yet it’s expired since last month. I access it using a USB A3 token. Since it’s expired I have create a security exception for it. If I use firefox it all works fine. The problem is when I try
