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Tag: .net-core

.net core date format on Linux

I’m migrating my code from .net framework to .net core and testing it on a Linux machine, one of the issues I had a problem with is the date format when calling DateTime ToString() function, in Windows the default date format is guided by the OS and can be customized in the settings I’ve tried to do something similar in

Reactive Extension .NetCore Observing on MainThread

I’m trying to do a lot of network operation in parallel, and I want to set a timeout to each operation. Since Parallel.ForEach doesn’t have an easy timeout option, I’m using System.Reactive. this is my code: I’m using the Observable.Amb operator to run in parallel a 60 seconds timer, that works as a timeout. However when I run this method,

.net core in Linux – build C#

Linux Environment – Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. i have installed .net core 2.1300 (latest, with sdk). I am trying to build (dotnet build) a .csproj file in C#. But the error is: What possible solutions exists? maybe change .csproj ? Answer You are trying to build a full .NET (v4.6.1) application on a .NET Core platform and that is not supported.

Upgrade .Net Core 1.0 to 2.0 Ubuntu 16.10

I’m trying to upgrade the .net core version from 1.0 to 2.0 but I’m getting some errors. I’m not good at Linux, so I don’t understand well what’s happening. I run: And I get this error: So, I try to install dotnet-runtime-2.0.5 and I get this After this, I try to install libicu55 but I already have installed libicu57. I

Dockerfile not found on Linux hosted agent

I’m trying to package dotnet core application into linux container. Docker build step fail with file not found (even though the same build works on the windows hosted agent with windows containers). I’ve even tried verifying files are there with command line step right in front of the docker build step… files are there, but docker build step fails to

F# on Linux – targeting net4xx

I’ve got both mono ( and dotnet core (2.1.4) installed on my Linux Mint (18.3) machine. I want to create a project using VS Code Ionide: Ctrl+Shift+P -> F#: New Project -> console. This goes without problems. However, when I try to build it, I get: error MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework “.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1” were not found. To resolve this,

Process.Start with .NET Core 2.0 on Linux

I am trying to start the default web browser open to a link with Process.Start(). I use Process.Start(“”), but my .NET Core App crashes with the following: Exception has occurred: CLR/System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception An unhandled exception of type ‘System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception’ occurred in System.Diagnostics.Process.dll: ‘No such file or directory’ at System.Diagnostics.Process.ResolvePath(String filename) at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at VPGameHelper.Program.Main(String[] args) in

Publishing ASP.NET Core Applications on linux nginx server

When publishing an ASP.NET Core application to a Linux server running nginx, is it necessary to install the .NET Core runtime on the server? Answer One of the options when publishing a .NET Core application is self contained deployments which include a version of the .NET Core runtime. They are described (in the above link) as: For a self-contained deployment,
