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Why decrement of variable inside loop returns no success status code?

I can’t understand why inside loop with condition of equal to 0 decrementing of variable returns non-zero status code (not success) if variable was decreased to 0? If I use a different condition for the loop – for example – until [[ $RETR -eq 1 ]] it returns 0 status code after last decreasing, the same situation for while loop

Using find to rename files recursively with random chars

I have an IP camera that takes snapshots and nests those snapshots into multiple directories. The sub directories look something like this. There is a ton of sub directories because of the way it stores files since it places those snapshots within a Minute directory of the Date/Hour directories. At any rate, there are other types of files mixed in,

How to set ctag in vim editor one time

I have created ctags for my project. Now every time, I open file in vim editor I set ctag location. Is it possible to set the ctag location for one time in some where that I don’t know, So that when I open a file from my project in vim, it will start working, I do not need to fire

How to run ssh over an existing TCP connection

I want to be able to SSH to a number linux devices at once, behind different NATs. I can’t configure the network that they are on. However, I’m having trouble getting ssh to go over an existing connection. I have full control over both my client and the devices. Here’s the process so far: On my client, I first run

Setcap over SSHFS

I am running a VM on my machine and have mounted a host folder inside VM using sshfs (auto-mounted via fstab). That folder has an executable which I want to run inside the VM. But I also need some capabilities before running that executable. So my script looks like: But I am getting below error : But if I copy

What are the exact system requirements for Knative set up? Why the basic setup guide lead me to exhaustion of resource?

I have been trying to set up Knative development environment on my system. But everytime i deploy Istio , the pilot remain in pending state and i find its because of resource exhaustion. I followed basic setup guide from Knative docs. i.e. serving/blob/master/ Now if i install and deploy istio according to it, the resources get exhausted and istio-pilot remain

Unable to register git runner on local network server

i’m trying to register a git runner on my company local network server, gitlab is working fine with self singed certificate, but when trying to register a git runner like this then pasting the git URL then the token: and then the description and the tags, then i get this error: i’m not using docker, just normal setup, please any
