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Tag: cmake

ROS-Indigo Collada DOM installation dependency on libpcrecpp package cannot detect installed libpcrecpp package

I am trying to build ROS (Robot Operating System) Indigo on Debian 8. I’m running Debian 8 on Oracle VirtualBox (the 64-bit PC netinst ISO, found at I am following this set of instructions: Performing each instruction step-by-step, a problem arises when I attempt to install collada-dom-dev. First, when I did cmake ., it gives several warnings about

How to avoid cmake to read in its “system cache” $HOME/.cmake/

When I run cmake with some projects such as caffe or gflags, it writes some information at the system level. Specifically, on a linux system, it generates some directories such as $HOME/.cmake/Caffe and $HOME/.cmake/gflags My problem is that this information is hereafter used for any project I compile. As a consequence, the programs referenced in $HOME/.cmake are (partially) found, even

CMake linking glfw3 lib error

i’m working with CLion, and I’m writing a program using the glfw3 lib.( I installed and did everything correctly for the lib i have the .a and .h files in: I’m trying to use the library now, but i’m getting the linker error: undefined reference to ‘glViewport’ etc. etc. all the functions i’m using I added the lib path to

OpenCV 3.1.0 won’t compile with CMake

I know there are many supposed duplicates for this matter, but since none of the answers worked for me I’d rather ask another question. My project won’t compile with CMake: Found package configuration file: /usr/share/OpenCV/OpenCVConfig.cmake but it set OpenCV_FOUND to FALSE so package “OpenCV” is considered to be NOT FOUND. My CMakeLists.txt is as follows: The error happens on the

OpenCV 3.1 Upgrade Leads to Linker Errors on Linux

I’ve recently upgraded from OpenCV 2.4.11 to OpenCV 3.1 by following this guide. This sudo make install seems to have worked successfully and when I run pkg-config –modversion opencv, I get the appropriate version (3.1.0). But for some reason, I am now running into linker errors, and even simple programs are unable to compile, for example: returns the errors: main.cpp:-1:

How to execute a shell script using CMake post_build?

How to execute a shell script using CMake? The command that should be run is my_script that should be executed after build. The CMakeLists.txt DISCLAIMER Yes, there are similar questions in SO here, here, here, etc; however, they don’t give me a clear vision how this can be achieved. Answer You are invoking CMake with it’s command-line tool mode which

Cmake Error: The following variables are used in the project, but they are set to NOTFOUND trying to compile Rigs of Rods in archlinux

I’ve been trying to compile Rigs of Rods under archlinux with 4.2.6 Kernel. I’ve followed the official compiling instructions presented in I have succesfully compiled ogredeps and CMake gave me no error, I even enabled multithreading for it (while using make, after running CMake .), but when I try to compile Ogre (Mentioned under the “Ogre Itself” section in

Internal cmake error while building trilinos on ubuntu 32bit

I’m trying to build the library trilinos on a 32bit ubuntu virtual machine. I wrote the following configuration script: When I execute it with the ksh command in the terminal, I get the following error: CMake Error: CMAKE_Fortran_Compiler not set, after EnableLanguage Answer It appears you do not have a Fortran compiler installed. This is why cmake cannot set CMAKE_Fortran_Compiler

possible missing library when running cmake

I am trying to install a program on my machine (running Linux), but I get the following error when I run make: What is wrong, am I missing a library? Answer The problem is that the Makefile uses bash specific syntax (|&) but the commands are executed by /bin/sh, which does not point to /bin/bash. On my computer (Ubuntu 14.04):
