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Tag: openssl

OpenSSL will not release file handles

I am writing a service (in C for CentOS) that must make lots of outbound SSL connections to a third party REST API via SSL. OpenSSL is used to create establishment of the secure connections with the remote server. After initialization of the ssl_connection I register the returned file descriptor with our epoll queue. I can connect and perform the

Compute base64 encoded hash from a given hash?

I created a file and input some random string into it. Now if I use openssl to compute base64 hash [sha256], I run this: which returns me KHN0ZGluKT0gMzJjYjA1MTgzNDNhZmY2N2FlMmY5YzUwNDcwNGRiNGE5Njc5MzIyZWVlNTBmMjBiNTMzNjZlYTBiMDY2MWNlZgo= Now I process this hash stepwise, as, which gives me (stdin)= 32cb0518343aff67ae2f9c504704db4a9679322eee50f20b53366ea0b0661cef Let this hash be X. Then I do this, I get a different result. Why is that? My reason for

Apache 2.4.23 undefined reference to CRYPTO_malloc_init?

Hi I am trying to install Apache 2.4.23 with openssl version of 1.1.0c , while execute make command I am getting following error, I have searched many website but I couldn’t see any relevant answer. I have attached error also .Could you please solve my problem? Thanks in Advance Answer Apache 2.4.23 undefined reference to CRYPTO_malloc_init? OpenSSL 1.0.2 and earlier

Undefined references when linking with gcc -lnetsnmp

I’m trying to compile and run my code on a raspberry pi which needs the snmp libraries. However, I get linking errors such as “undefined reference to ‘EVP_DigestUpdate'”. I’ve been researching this issue for the past few days and found out that this usually happens when snmp can’t find the ssl library crypto, for example if you don’t specify -lcrypto

Unable to link openssl libraries to CLion C++ program

I have a CLion project. Here is my CMakeLists.txt: And here is error that I get: Answer Maybe you should try link_libraries(ssl) instead of link_libraries(openssl), if you’re sure of openssl installed on your local machine. See , it says that “OpenSSL provides two primary libraries: libssl and libcrypto.”. To fix your issue just add to your CMakeList.txt:

OpenSSL verify_callback and SSL_connect

The SSL_CTX_set_verify() and SSL_set_verify() calls can be used to set the verify_callback() function for the underlying context and ssl, respectively. Here is a snippet from the documentation of verify_callback(): The return value of verify_callback controls the strategy of the further verification process. If verify_callback returns 0, the verification process is immediately stopped with “verification failed” state. If SSL_VERIFY_PEER is set,
